Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Blogging for people or blogging for money

I was reflecting upon my blogging actions and asked myself, do I blog for money or do I blog because of my readers?

I'm going to be honest with myself and to everyone, when I started my new blogs, I was in it for the money. However, I realized, if I was the reader of that blog, will I still read it?

One personal experience with this is with my other blog, read manga online. (Manga = Japanese comics) Each page of the manga has been converted into a thumbnail and the person has to click on it to view the manga page. I also joined a program that pays you cash for every outbound link and since thumbnails are outbound links, I'm going to be earning a lot!

However, when I browsed the read manga online blog, I placed my self in the shoes of my readers. If I was to click on a lot of thumbnails just to view the manga, I would rather just acquire the manga from other sources (thus losing a visitor). I realized that this was a bad idea and changed the way the read manga online site works. Instead of using thumbnails, I tried to find ways to make the browsing of the page easier. I found the answer and when I browsed the read manga online blog, it looks better on a reader's point of view.

I changed my ways and now I can proudly say that I am blogging for my readers.

How about you? Do you blog for money or do you blog for your readers?

Your answer to this question can affect your blog. It can affect the way you write, the way you present your content, your blog template and your reader's image of your blog. Think carefully and reflect. I did and I'm happy with my decision to blog for my readers.


Lupus Fighter said...

i blog for both just like hitting two birds with one stone.


Unknown said...

Yes, it could be done. My mistake was trying to blog for money alone. hehe